Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Atlanta Zoo

Today I had the privilege of being a chaperone on my niece's field trip to Zoo Atlanta. (In part because my sister has the flu. Yay.)

We started out by having an hour long discussion about the animals and the local habitats of Georgia - after which we got to pet a baby alligator (I got the slimy part!).

The hour we had in the park before lunch went by rather quickly - ending with my mother and I (who were the extra chaperones) and had my niece - losing the entire school group! After two more rounds in the park, we finally located them.

Outside the Zoo - in a park eating lunch. We were a bit late, but all was well.

Enjoy the photos I took throughout the day.

Apologies for the shy Tiger.

Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Being Alive

Since I utterly mucked up yesterday with this weeks' post I figured I'd do a plain little tid bit.

I am not the best at keeping up with things. I can't believe that this blog has lasted as long as it has. Seriously. It is rather miraculous.

There are so many things that will be happening this summer. I can't wait to post pictures for you!

(Well, the one viewer that I have. If you have any cool costumes you want me to look out for at Momocon, let me know!)

Well, there's a music event on the 13th, the Georgia Renaissance Festival the following weekend, and then about five days at Momon Con!

With all this happening, I'm super excited for summer!

... for once....

Prepare for the inslaught of pictures that will be coming. I will also be updating various shows that I volunteer at - "Lord of the Dance", "Finding Neverland", and couple of others.

I will also be reviewing movies and books that I read as I finish them.

And, hopefully I'll get a better schedule for this blog.

Have a safe week!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Cozette - Now I Have Found You

I would like to take this week and discuss Adpotation. Or Rescuing a Pet from the Vet.

Last year our house had a minor mouse problem. There was this little fuzzy grey ball that was hiding behind our furniture and in the walls. We called in the exterminators - they set out glue traps. We caught the little bugger.

Then another.

And another.

And another.

And a huge dark grey one.

There was a nest.

Living out in the country, this is a constant problem. Critters love coming into your casa, and take up residence without realizing what an inconvience it is for the owners. It's rather frustrating - but at least the glue traps were humane, and we could dispose of them short after the new residents became stuck.

Side story: since she was a little girl, my mom has been deathly allergic to animals. She couldn't be in the same room as one for less than a minute before getting all congested.

Last February (one year and about two months ago), we got the blessing to go and sit at the pet store. If my mom could handle sitting in there for one hour, and due to the recent residents, we could get a cat.

This is Cozette. She was timid at first, startled to be in a new environment. According to the woman we adopted her from, her previous owners dumped her on the street - since she had indoor manners. She was found behind a dumpster at a restaurant.

It took her a while to slowly adjust to her new surrounds.

Though her favorite spot seemed to be my hoodie (which is still MIA, Cozy, what did you do to it!)

She did love being bundled in her towel. It made the blue of her eyes pop like crazy.

Though, this bed didn't go over well with her.

Please - adopt a pet.

They need more love than anyone else. They were abandoned by people they trusted. It may take a while, but once they trust you their love is unconditional.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Mandalas - A Soothing Activity

In the past year or so, Adult coloring books have become a huge fad. Not only are they fun to color, but they help you de-stress. It's a relaxing way to unwind from the day. (Patent pending on that last line.)

Who knew that our kindergarten teachers had it right all along - that coloring was the best thing for us?

While I enjoy coloring them, I often find that it becomes boring after a while. Instead of coloring them, I wanted to be the one to draw them. That sounded like more fun. So I did.

Here are a few that I did over the weekend. Some are not exactly mandalas, but more an exercise in how to draw the designs. These inspirations were taken from the internet and various sources, though the final product is 100% originally mine.

If you want to print them out, I would suggest waiting until I can properly scan them into my laptop and make an actual line art.

Here's a bonus picture. I'm working on a project for a friend. This was done entirely in sharpie. On canvas. Enjoy.

What are some of your favorite go-to coloring pages? If you don't like coloring, what is your go-to to relax?