Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas After

Since my last post (which was all about the holiday blues) things have gone up.

Christmas day was a wonderful event. Church in the morning, stockings and gifts in the afternoon.

It was more fun to talk with people I haven't seen in years than it was to go home for presants. Such wonderful people that make life entertaining. It was a wonderful day to get away from the house and out into the world. 

Working on puzzles all day long and enjoying the simple company of others while listening to Christmas music or a Christmas movie.

My break only lasted the weekend, though every second wasa worth the time.

I am grateful for this season to share with others. I am grateful that I have a job with which I can work from home in case of emergency for others and because it's an easy commute. I am grateful for the friends around me - and those who don't live anywhere near me.

'Tis the season to be grateful - no matter what holiday you are celebrating.

Season Greetings!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Holidays!

I'll see you all next year.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December Blues

I'm deviating from the norm of what I usually post - food stuffs, recipes, crafts, lists, basic blog things.

Over the past few weeks I've gone from feeling like Santa Claus and the Guardians of Childhood during a massive party to a mix of the Grinch and Ebeneezer Scrooge.

Maybe it's due to the work - nah. That's a lame excuse. I love my job. I get to work from home, which makes the commute (about five-ten feet to my laptop) super awesome. And I don't have to worry about the headaches of driving, personally interacting with people, or having to psych myself up. Oh, and if I get sick it's easy to call in, which makes working rather easy.

Maybe it's due to all of the arguing that's being done at home. I am part of a large family - we are spread out all over. Needless to say when something bad happens it's only a matter of time before every one of us finds out. Though that's a pretty lame excuse to not feel the spirit.

I guess my lack of Christmasy feelings is because there's not much going on in life in general. Living at home still nothing has really changed. It just seems to miss the mark.

Bonus points - there was a Christmas party last night - one that I was super looking forward to - and then yesterday morning I felt ill. I started coughing. It continued all day. I managed to get to the party, but didn't enjoy it as much as I would have liked. (Though I did come away with a fairly awesome White Elephant gift - a tin with Christmas mints, bag of ginger bread cookies, and a Cat-in-the-Hat plushie, so win!)

Hopefully I can try and get back into that Christmassy feeling before the weekend.

Stay happy!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Hanuakkah!

Happy Boxing Day!

Happy Holiday!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

December Flicks

While I could write about something to do with Christmas, I've decided to go the simple route - NETFLIX!

Binge watching shows on Netflix is something that has become much of a fad. Because it’s often difficult to find the time to sit down and watch a show live, and even though DVR is something we can use – not every person has it.

While it may take some time for your favorite show to appear – or the next season to crop up – Netflix is a fast way to catch up. You can easily catch up on a season – pause it where you leave off and easily pick up where you left off with it. It tracks where you are with it, and there’s no judging. (Though I have heard that Netflix will often ask if you are still alive if you watch for too long – it hasn’t happened to me yet. Fingers Crossed.)

It’s a way to sit down and relax after a day of work, school, both of them – and give you a reprieve from the world at large.

Some of the shows currently on (and on my To Watch and Re-Watch list) that you may enjoy too are (in no specific order or favorite ranking):

Once Upon A Time

This is a fantastic ABC show that takes everyone from the Disney verse and sets them all together in Storybrooke, Maine. It follows Emma Swan, daughter of Snow white and Prince Charming, whose son Henry is currently being parented by the Evil Queen. Currently on its Sixth season (with the possibility of more) you have five seasons to watch. Gold! (No pun intended.)


DC is having a fierce time with hit shows on the CW. I’m only two episodes in, but it is definitely something to keep tabs on. This show will also be tying in with The Flash and Arrow. So stay tuned!


This show has been around for a few years (coughsince2005ish). There are only five seasons it’ll be a quick get through if you binge with earnest intent! And Author and Merlin – what more could a history buff want?

Stranger Things

Granted there’s only one season so far (season two has been promised and will coming soon!), but each episode is completely worth it. It’s a unique take on the 1980’s genre, coupled with Dungeons & Dragons, a mystery, and spooky thriller. Take a peek on it – it’s worth the watch!

Penny Dreadful

This one took me by surprise. I first watched it on a plane to Alaska (got through five and a half episodes before reaching Seattle for the transfer, but that’s still a record). It takes the old Penny Dreadful stories (no pun intended), adds a bit of Mary Shelly, Oscar Wilde, and Bram Stoker (so far). This isn’t a series for the faint of heart though, as battling any sort of monster fight comes with its fair share of blood and gore. So be warned of anyone under 18.

The Pinkerton's

I have yet to delve into this one, but just hear me out. The Pinkerton's are to America what Scotland Yard is to England. This will be a fantastic show to watch through – so keep it booked.

Fuller House

Hear me out – this is based off of Full House, only the girls are grown up and living in their old house. The shenanigans involved with the three single woman is a fun comedy to watch through.


I would be a terrible person if I didn’t include this on the list. While I am not up to date with the current season (I’m still on Season five, sue me). There’s a reason why this show has lasted this long. Currently on season eleven, it’s full of everything you could want in a show. Take a look at it – there’s quite a few seasons to catch up on – all of them worth it.


While it’s sad this only lasted two seasons – each episode it only twenty minutes. The trick: they’re all musicals. The singers are spectacular, and we fans would love to see the return of this. Netflix said it might just happen if enough people watch it on Netflix – so GO WATCH IT!
(EDIT: Didn't mean for this particular picture to be so big - but it's worth it!) 

What are some of your favorite shows to watch?

Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to these pictures. I do not get named for name dropping either.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Christmas Season

With this new season upon us its easy to fall into habits of helpfulness and charity.

There are many different places you can go to around your own home town, or city, to give service. There are plenty of different ways to give service as well.

Check your local newspapers, or local websites, for more information.

Giving service can be more than just going out and working at a foodbank, or volunteering time. It can be driving a friend, taking a meal to someone in need, or hosting.

When given freely and without the intent of gain in return, service becomes something more meaningful. It becomes a gift to not only us, but those we serve as well. It becomes part of a cycle of giving and giving.

With this Christmas Season giving is essential. It is engrained into the days - engrained in the times. It is part of who we all are, to be of service to others. It is something that every one of us have deep inside of us. It's a basic act to want to serve others, to show the same compassion we were given when we were younger. It's something that takes us back to our childhood roots. Something that shows us the joy of the season.

No matter what religion we claim, the desire to do good is always there. All we have to do is act upon it.

Enjoy the season. Wish someone the greeting of the holiday you associate with most. Personally, I will be glad no matter what greeting you give.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

NaNoWriMo 2016

I've been competeing in this self inflicted tournment for a few years - it's down to the final two days.

While it's a struggle to write at leas 1,667 words a day (though I always strive for 2,000 because I am an overachiever), for 30 days, it's not all that impossible.

Writing is a wonderful art form - it's something that every single person on the planet has done for years. We've all written a story at some point.

With that in mind - writing a novel - which is the same as 50,000 words (in it's entirety) - it's not all that impossible.

Writing out - or writing in - is one of the best things that we can every do. Creativity and imagination in all its forms helps us cope with the world around us. It keeps us able to go through the mundane life of work and life.

Don't give up writing - don't give up the imagination - keep on writing out those stories. Continue working on those works of art because only you can do what you do.

We need you.

Be creative.

Be moved

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


In honor of Thanksgiving: Give Thanks.

You can go out and achieve great acts of service by volunteering time.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Down here in the Deep South, we've finally gone from summer to fall.

Last week started off with still pleasantly warm weather, comfortable enough for flip flops and jeans. This week, however, it's hard to step outside during the afternoon without feeling cold.

Here are a few of my favorite fall recipes;

Mint White Hot Chocolate

2 Cups Milk
2 Cups Half & Half Cream
8 oz. White Chocolate, Chopped
1 tsp. Peppermint Extract
A few drops of Green Food Coloring
Marshmallows (optional, but seriously, why wouldn't you not?)

In a heavy-bottomed pot, heat the Milk and Cream over medium heat for 5 minutes. Stir in the White Chocolate, remove from heat and set aside for a few minutes. Add the Peppermint Extract and Food Coloring, whisk until smooth.

Serve Immediately: Serves 4

Chocolate Pumpkin Cheesecake Muffins
Author: Dinner at the Zoo

1 (8 ounce) Package Cream Cheese, softened
1 Egg
1/3 cup White Sugar
1/3 cup Pumpkin Puree
2 tablespoons All-Purpose Flour
1/2 cup Miniature Semisweet Chocolate Chips

1 1/2 cup All-Purpose Flour
1 cup White Sugar
1/3 cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 cup Milk
1/3 cup Vegetable Oil
1 tablespoon Cider Vinegar
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1/2 cup Miniature Semisweet Chocolate Chips
Cooking Spray

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line muffin tins with paper cups or coat with cooking spray.
2. Place the cream cheese, egg, 1/3 cup sugar, pumpkin puree and flour in the bowl of a stand mixer that has been fitted with the paddle attachment.
3. Beat until light and fluffy - the mixture may curdle at first, but it will come together if you continue beating.
4. Stir in the chocolate chips and set aside.
5. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, 1 cup sugar, cocoa, baking soda and salt. Make a well in the center and add the milk, oil, vinegar and vanilla. Stir together until well blended. Fill muffin tins 2/3 full with the batter and top with 2 tablespoons of the cream cheese mixture. Sprinkle the chocolate chips over the tops of the muffins. You may end up with extra cream cheese mixture, you can put it in an oven safe dish and bake it alongside the muffins for a cheesecake snack!
6. Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

Check out Pinterest or your other Favorite Blogs for wonderful recipes - food, crafts, and decorations alike!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Post Halloween!

Or Happy All Saints Day!

And for those of you who are writers - Happy NaNoWriMo!

There are a few topics I could potentially cover in this weeks exciting addition to Fickle 'N Freelance Forever. After some debate (mostly with myself), I've decided to focus on writing.

At one point in your life you have sat down and written a short story. At one point, you have attempted to write a book. And at one point we all try our hand at novel writing. It's a fun exercise in using your imagination, using an idea from a random source, and a chance to finally use all of those SAT words we were all forced to memorize (or remember until the test, forget, then come back to years later).

First things first: What is NaNoWriMo?

    Na (National) No (Novel) Wri (Writing) Mo (Month)

Basically you write 50,000 words - which is the equivalent of writing a novel.

You can go over this number count, but it is the basic goal hundreds of thousands of people strive to meet each November.

NaNoWriMo - the link here will take you to the main page of the event. From here you can read more about the challenge, sign up and track your progress, read pep talks from actual published authors (James Patterson did a pep talk one year), and find a group close to you and meet with fellow writers.

There are always events going on in whichever region you sign up with. Each year there are at least four "Write-In's" round about where I live.

A "Write-In" is where a bunch of writers congregate in a specified location (sometimes Ikea), and sit in a large space (the cafeteria) and write for a few hours.

Writing with others is beneficial, as you can interact, bounce ideas off others, and help them with blocks or other writing things.

Not only is WriMo an excellent opportunity to meet fellow writers, but it's a way to set new boundaries for yourself. Try it - see what sort of stretchniess occurs when you attempt, and finish a 50,000 novel in the course of 30 days.

Now - 50,000 is a daunting number. The site breaks it down to a simple format.

    1,667 words a day X 30 days = 50,000

Simple, right?

I prefer to use 2,000 words a day - that way if  I fall behind I already have a few hundred in my arsenal (as getting sick each November is always in the works).

Have an idea you've been mulling around in your mind? Something interest you that you've always wanted to write about? Now's the time!

You are writing a FIRST draft here - it doesn't have to be professional. It doesn't have to have perfect grammar, perfect editing. It is a ROUGH draft.

The whole point of this is to get the idea down. Get in locked in place - save all the revisions and editing for December.

How about it? Care to join me on a writing journey this month?

I will be participating this year, if you want a friend: CatherineSilver

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


There are lots of lists that I can make in regards to this amazing holiday: movies, horror flicks, horror video games, party ideas - you get the idea. Last week I covered the top 5 musicals/plays on Broadway.

While Halloween can be either fun and scary, or gory and gruesome; it all depends on which direction you take.

Here's a look a some of the best, "Classical", Halloween monsters that have graced the silver screen. Here they are - in no particular order (but I'll put my favorite last). Please Note - all pictures are taken from the internet - if I could have taken quite a few of these myself, I would have!

1. Frankenstein

1931 - this was the age when movies were coming out more frequently. The majority were in black and white, soundless until the early thirties. When the movie premiered, the actor who portrayed the monster was billed as ?????? This was to keep in the spirit of it being an actual monster. Boris Karloff cemented his acting in horror movies. Which leads us to -

2. The Mummy

Another classic flick from the thirties, this one came out in 1932. Karloff returned to don the wraps of Imhotep, a priest brought back to life centuries. He spends the entire time trying to find his reincarnited lover. This sparked a wonderfully fun three film series by Stephen Sommers back in the early 2000's. Sadly, it's getting rebooted again soon (don't see it!).

3. The Wolfman

1941 - This movie has quite a few infamous actors in it to bring the full-moon riser to light (not sure if that was a bad pun or not...) Lon Chaney Junior brings this cast of high bill-ers together as a man fated to becoming a bity wolfer. With an appearance from Bela Lugosi and Claude Raines, it's a flick sure to get you howling.

4. Dracula

1931 - Bela Lugosi didn't speak a word of English going into this film. Giving a stunning performance as the main vampire, this takes you from the haunted hills of darkest Transylvania to the elegant ballrooms and foyers of London. You will never hear, "Swan Lake" the same every again. Or see a full moon on a cloudy night the same either . . .

And Rounding the list of Top Five,

5. The Phantom of the Opera

1925 - A silent film so frightening, smelling salts were in hand for the infamous un-masking scene. The Man of a Thousand Faces would give a stellar performance that has lasted and endured through the ages. While other adaptations try to give it their all, this one is what gave every other adaptation a basis. Lon Chaney Senior, Mary Philbin, and Norman Kerry. Watch this in the dark. It changes everything.

What is your favorite old timey monster?

How about the new age monster?

Leave a comment below.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Halloween on the Stage

I am a huge lover of the arts.

If I could live inside of a theatre, I would pack up and move in less than an hour. There would be so much to do - to see.

With the fall season, and the wonderful weather we're having, it seems only appropriate that I make a list of plays and musicals that will give you a few chills.

1. The Rocky Horror Show

     First things first, "The Rocky Horror Show" is the musical you will see live on stage. "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is the movie. This is a classic in and of itself because of the campy nature. With a guest appearance from Meatloaf, and the Time Warp (Again!) it's a must see for the beginning of the Halloween season.

2. Little Shop of Horrors

     If a local theatre company is doing this, I suggest going over to take a look. It's another show that's sure to give you chills and double look at the plants in your house. With a movie that made two different endings (the stage version has a - well - best not to see it), it's sure to find a way into your heart. Plus, Rick Moranis.

3. The Addams Family

     Come join the family for a reunion to die for. Everything's dark, creepy, but one thing's off - how can the world's favorite creepy family cope when their daughter falls in love? Take a seat, sit back, and let the Family show you what True Love is.

4. Dracula

     It wouldn't be Halloween without our favorite vampire. Frank Wildhorn lends a beautiful mixture of music in this stage adaptation of Bram Stoker's infamous novel. While it follows rather closely to the source material, it takes on an etheral appearance. While you can find the whole show on youtube (which I highly recommend, in either English, or German), I suggest taking a listen to this soundtrack.

4. Into the Woods

     This takes a whole new twist on the Grimm fairy tales. Journey through the woods with Cinderella, Jack, the Baker and his wife, Red Riding Hood, and the Witch. With all the wishes being made, it make for a tall order to fill. While the first act is light and cheerful, beware act two. Wishes have a price to be paid. Not everything ends well and happily ever after for some of our favorite fairy tale heroes and heroines.

5. The Phantom of the Opera

     Finishing off my list, I'll leave you with the longest-running, well-known musical. The story of a disfigured musical genius who haunts the infamous opera house, writing operas for a young sorprano. The story takes us through the backstage working of the opera house, bringing together a mystery as to who the man in the mask is. With as many musical adaptations as there are movie versions, one of them is bound to give you the thrills and chills of a great horror movie. While I love the musical on Broadway, I would suggest renting the 1926 silent film, turning off all the lights, and let yourself become embroiled in Lon Chaney Sr.'s infamous unmasking scene.

What are some of your favorite horror plays? Musicals? Movies?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Writing - Halloween

A few short weeks from now, as dusk is falling, our neighborhoods and apartment complexes are going to become swarmed with mini Glinda's, Freddy's, Jason's, Captain America's, Iron-men, Disney princesses, and an assortment of other creatures.

With all the candy that will be passed around, dropped into pillowcases, pumpkin bags, backpacks, etc. it's hard for an honest writer to think of anything else.

Fear not!

Halloween is a prime holiday for writing prompts, short horror stories, and an assortment of ideas. Here are a few to get those creative juices flowing:

1. He heard the dripping coming from the basement . . .

2. "What's the worst that can happen - it's been abandoned for years!"

3. The scratching came closer. The girl pulled the blankets over her head, but the noise came closer...

4. The impact was swift, loud, and left a hole the size of Manhattan -

5. Large, spindly legs stood outside my window, there was hair, almost like a -

What are some of your favorite Halloween memories? Best costume?

Leave a comment below.

(I am not paid for this blog, or any name dropping I do. I do not own the picture either.)

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Halloween - Party Ideas

With Halloween just a few short weeks away, it's easy to become discombobulated with making plans, making the food, planning out your costume and such forth.

To help ease the process - here are a few Party Theme suggestions:

1. Superhero

This one might remind you of a child's birthday party. But hear me out - each person comes as a different hero or heroine. You can even make it a specific as in, "Your favorite X-Men", your favorite, "Avenger", your favorite, "Justice Leage"-er.

You get the idea.

2. Horror

[PICTURE not listed]

There are plenty of outcomes with having a horror-themed party. Set it in your favorite movie, have everyone dress as a character. Props to those who come in fake/authentic looking blood.

3. Other Holiday

What's more fun than having a themed Halloween party based on another holiday? Okay, maybe not "fun" per se, but it's a great way to confuse the neighbors.

4. Movies

Choose a genre, or movie and deck the house in proper attire. Make up fun snacks that go along with the theme, mix a few drinks that go along with it.

While you can take all of these and either mingle or mix, it's the recipe for a simple, yet well-thought out party.

What are some of your more memorable Halloween parties you've either attended, or hosted?

Leave a comment below.

I am not paid for this blog, and I am not the owner of the pictures.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Pumpkin - Why?


The moment September rolls around, we are hit with Pumpkin.


We know that pumpkin pies are a stable part of Thanksgiving (more to come later on that), pumpkin lattes are keeping people going during the day, and pumpkin spice is being added to almost anything you eat.

But have you ever wondered where pumpkins came from?

Which country first had them?

Who thought it would be a good idea to mash them up, put 'em in a pie and back them?

Pumpkins are native to North America, Mexico, Greece, and France.

The word originated from the Greek form for, "Large melon" - "Pepon";
The French changed it into "pompon", while the English changed it to "Pumpion", and being American and revolutionary, we changed it to "Pumpkin". And there you go.

World-wide pumpkin harvesting!

Which leads me to - why carve out pumpkins?

While doing some research for this blog I found a wonderful legend of the history of the infamous "Jack-o-Lantern". To sum it up, a man nicknamed "Stingy Jack" tricks the devil two years running. The first time he makes a deal to be safe for a year. The following he makes a deal for 10 years. However, he dies soon after and God won't take him - because of the deals he made. The devil (who's still miffed he was outsmarted twice) refuses him entry based on spite alone. So "Jack" gets a burning coal and spends eternity walking around with a the light. He became known as "Jack of the Lantern", which simplified to "Jack O'Lantern". These "Jack O'Lantern"'s are set out to repel the spirits that wonder as well.

Which is your favorite Pumpkin tradition? Leave a comment below.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Fall - Thursday is soon enough

I'm celebrating Fall early this year.

By two days, and I don't mind at all.

Fall celebrations will soon be in full swing: Farmer's Markets, Faires, Oktoberfest, Dia de los Muertos, Balloon Festivals, you name it Fall's got it.

There are so many fun Fall activities, recipes, and walks to be done and be had.

While I would love to claim any of these ideas, recipes, etc. for my own - I will not. It's not fair to the experts and wonderful persons who took the time to make all of this happen. Be not worried, I will include original links and give credit where it is due.


This are great for any fix. Now, I know you can go out and buy a cinnamon broom (which is a lot easier, so maybe I shouldn't day that . . . .

BUT This is a much better idea. From: Lulu & Georgia

What you'll need:
     Cinnamon Sticks
     Orange Rind
     2 Tablespoons Whole Cloves
     3-5 Bay Leaves
Fill a pot with water, add all of the above and let it simmer!

Now, this will give the illusion that you are either working on a wonderful meal, or just plain Crafty.

With Fall comes a rather wonderful time in the year when Caramel Apple's are part of the main food group (this inculdes but is not limited to Apple Cider, Apple Pie, Pumpkin pie, candy corn, cinnamon on anything, s'mores, chocolate, hot chocolate....and so forth).

A Caramel Apple Bar is a wonderful way to spread yourself a spread. (Go with me here.) Apples on a stick, cover in caramel, and dip in your favorite topping.

You can also do this with whole apples. It will be the hit of your next Fall party!

There are dozens (if not hundreds) of other things you can do to celebrate fall - which I will get into next week!

What are some ways you spice up your home for Fall? Any Must-Have food for your Fall parties?

Leave a comment and share your favorite ways to spice things up.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Cinnamon Spice

Fall is soon upon us!

With it brings us wonderful spices; pumpkin, cinnamon, orange, etc.

But where did the wonderful spice of cinnamon come from? Which country do we give thanks for the added bonus to a cup of hot chocolate?

I delved into the History Channel to find out more. I've taken from tips from their page about the topic.

The Arabs transported it across land routes, making it rather expensive, and a status of wealth in the Europe int he Middle Ages. It was desirable because of it's use as a preservative for meats during the winter. To keep the tight monopoly, they wove various tales about how they obtained the luxury spice.

In the 5th-century B.C. Greek historian Herodotus spoke of enormous birds that carried the cinnamon sticks t their nests perched high atop mountains that were insurmountable by any human. People would leave large pieces of ox meat below the nest for the birds to collect. When the birds brought the meat into the nest, its weight would cause the nest to fall to the ground, allowing the cinnamon sticks stored within to be collected,

Another reported that the cinnamon was found in deep canyons guarded by terrifying snakes.

First-century Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder proposed that cinnamon came from Ethiopia, carried on rafts with no oars or sails, powered by "man alone and his courage."

There were reports of cinnamon being found in various parts of the known world, some even cliamed to have found it in the New World (these proved to be false). It is mostly found in South Africa, in modern day Sri Lanka.

There are two types of commercial cinnamon currently going around the world:

Cassia - which is primarily produced in Indonesia. This has a stronger smell and flavor. It is cheaper and what it usually bought in grocery stores. This is what flavors our apple pies, French toast, etc.

Ceylon - the more expensive of the two. Mostly produced in Sri Lanka. This has a milder, sweeter flavor, popular and perfect for both baking and flavoring coffee and hot chocolate.

In honor of the delicious spice, I will leave you two recipes:

Served 8
Hands-On Time 15 min
Total time 1 hr

1 1-pound packages refrigerated pizza dough
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 cup sugar
8 tablespoons (1 stick) butter, melted, plus more for the pan

1. Heat over to 372 F.
2. Tear off small bits of the dough and roll them into 1- to 1 1/2-inch balls. Place the balls on a plate.
3. Combine the cinnamon and sugar in a bowl. Dip each ball in the butter, then in the cinnamon sugar. Transfer the balls to a buttered Bundt pan.
4. Drizzle any remaining butter over the top and sprinkle with any remaining cinnamon sugar. Bake until golden brown, about 40 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Place a plate on top of the pan and carefully flip it over. Tap the bottom to release the bread.
5. Transfer to a plate and let people pull the bread apart with their fingers.

Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Yield: About 5 cups

4 cups milk
1/4 cup Cocoa powder (recommend Dutch processed)
1/4 cup sugar
2 tsp. cornstarch (optional thickener)
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 chipolte powder or chili powder
pinch of nutmeg
pinch of cayenne
optional toppings: whipped cream, marshmallows, chocolate syrup, and/pr chocolate shavings

Add all ingredients to a medium saucepan. Heat over medium heat until simmering, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and serve with optional toppings.

What are your favorite Cinnamon foods or beverages for fall?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Brace yourself, Pumpkin is Here

With the beginning of September we find ourselves facing many wonderful things that only come around this time of the year:

- Fall

- Cool Weather

- Sweater Season

- Looking like Han Solo

- Pumpkin Spices

- Cinnamon Spices

- All the bugs returning to the Netherworld

You probably already know by now (it is the 6th for Pete's sake), Pumpkin flavoring is Everywhere.

Pumpkin lattes, Pumpkin hot chocolate, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin cake, pumpkin scented candles, pumpkin air fresher, pumpkin body spray, pumpkin pumpkin food...... you get the idea.

There are dozens of recipes that are now flooding Pinterest based around said delicious fall flavor. I am going to give you the gift of Pumpkin Spice Cookies. The full recipe a friend of mine gave me - which she uses each year - which taste absolute delicious!

Try it out and let me know how your results go.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 15/16 oz can of Pumpkin Filling
1 Bag Chocolate Chips
1 Box Spice Cake Mix

Set Oven to 350 Degrees
Mix all Ingredients together
Scoop onto pan and Flatten
Bake for 18 Minutes


Leave a comment below with what your favorite Pumpkin recipe is.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Time Off from Class

In my final post of August - the final post centering around school - I'm going to discuss something school seems to miss:

Time off.

While you get 'vacation days' every few weeks or so, it's good to take a few extra days off.

Keeping yourself fit and healthy is a great way to ensure that your grades don't slip, your on time, and you are continually looking your best.

There are dozens of things you can do on your Day Off:

1. Guiltless Netflix
     We all have friends that guilt us over how much we binge watch. If you are taking a 'You' day, don't let anyone tell you it's bad. Not only is it relaxing, but you can catch up on all those episodes. :)

2. Cookies
      Who doesn't love cookies from scratch? Or from the package. Fire up the oven and make up some of your favorite flavors, grab milk and hunker down with #1.

3. Music
      Have a Music Hour. Find that album you've been meaning to listen too, set up, and just let the music flood over your. It will be relaxing and fun.

What are some things you'd love to do on a Day Off? Leave a comment below.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Study Abroad

There is nothing like traveling the world to make you feel alive and well. Walking the paths people from thousands of years ago traversed; visiting monuments that have been around for centuries; eating food made from fresh market produce.

Pitfall One:Traveling is expensive.

Pitfall Two: Being a student and wanting to travel.

Solution: Take a month and go with a school group.

Traveling with a school group ensures that you're traveling safely, have transportation to all the places you need to get too, and have lodging covered. While it is expensive, it's well worth the money spent.

It's a great way to go about seeing the world.

This week is a shortie, but a quickie.

Friday, August 19, 2016

School Size

First off - so terribly sorry for the delay in this week's post. Life got super crazy, hectic, and I was out of it until today. Thursday.

Hopefully this will be a decent post to make up for it.


This is the topic of the month. Last week I covered a few of the basics of getting to know your University/College.

This week I'm going to cover a few things about how to make life a bit easier.

1. Take at least 10-15 minutes a day for YOU.

    You need a breather during the day. Classes go for all hours, you're rushing around the campus figuring out where things are, how to make it there faster. Take. A. Break. Find a spot, close your eyes and breathe. It will help keep you relaxed for those long days.

2. Friends can be found Everywhere.

    You might be lucky enough to sit next to them in class, or at meal time. They could be your roommate. Or they could be the one person that you routinely pass on your way to classes or other places. A friendly smile, a passing wave, can make a great new friend.

3. Know when you Don't need it.

    Nine times out of ten (or ten out of ten) - you don't need the thing you really want to buy at the store. You can always get it later on when you actually have money - or not. Money is a luxury, try not to spend it on things you'll have to lug around later.

4. Walking.

     Use your two feet - they can get you places. Bikes or mini scooters are helpful too, but walking is highly recommended. You can get exercise while hiking across campus to various classes and other activities.

Disclaimer: I am not paid for anything I write here.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Back to School

Yesterday morning was the first day of regular school. College classes for others begin tomorrow.

Last week I posted about a generalization of school (and I'll admit, that one was hurried and scattered).

This week I'd like to focus on the College/University side of it. I know there have been other blogs listing various great deals for the poor student and thought I'd give it a shot myself.


   I know this one sounds a bit redundent, but it's easy to get lost. Especially when you're at a huge University that has at least thirty buildings. Make a priority to go a few days early - map out your route to each class. This way you can plan an easy route if you only have 10 minutes in between classes. (I had four classes back to back like this - luckily only one was in a different part of the campus, the other three were literally right next to each other.)


    This one should be easy. The more friends you have in a class - the more people you can study with, and you can share books (this might sound difficult, but it's possible). Friends help: with tough assignments, with moaning over crazy labs, and with light venting about hectic conflicts with other classes. Oh - did I mention they are also good for coffee breaks? (Or hot chocolate.)


   Only focusing on homework and classes all semester long with drive you crazy. Take it from someone who tried this - it doesn't work, and it's terrible for your health. Find an activity or club that piques your interest. Typically they only meet once a week, which is a great chance to shut the books and take a break. It's also another fantastic way to meet new friends.


    Contrary to belief - they actually want you to pass. While there may be some rather terrifying teachers, every single one of them wants you to succeed. All you have to do is talk to them - it's quite simple. And, if you get to know your teacher, you might get special access to upcoming assignments (don't quote me on that, this varies by location).


    I never did one of these. I commuted to and from each day. However - should you be living in a dorm this can either be a great idea, or totally tank you. If you are one to eat a lot in one sitting, then I highly recommend this. If you are more finicky and don't eat a lot, save yourself the money and spend it on things you will actually eat. Food is important to your educational career - choose, but choose wisely.

College/University can be a terrifying ordeal when you're first starting out and know no one. If you find yourself out there alone, shed some of your Introvert-ness and meet some people. It will do wonders for your social life, your health, and your classes.

What was your biggest fear when starting Uni/College? Leave a comment below.

(Copy right where necessary - I am not paid for this blog.)

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

School - YAY! ..... ?

With the beginning of August, I figured I'd take this month to do some school posts.

Or posts that talk about going back to school - getting into college the first time - or figuring things out.


Any form of school is hard. That's just how the pie crumbles. So - be prepared


I am going to quit the first and second crap because that's too formal for me.

Going back to school is equal part fun and part terrifying. Do you have all the right books, the right clothes, the right thing...blah, blah, blah, blah.....

Pointedly - there are some things that you can get away with.

For college students you can now RENT your books for classes. It's super effective, fantastic for your budget, and easy to do online (half.com).

Down in the South we also have Tax Free weekends to help off-set the cost of back to school supplies. (Ours was last weekend.)

Also - if you do need a book, MAKE A FRIEND IN CLASS AND SHARE!!

With all the ways there are to save money but cutting corners, it's easy to make things work out. If there is anyway you can make it, then you can save yourself

Also - if you are commuting to college (or school) CARPOOL!
    This is a challenge, because if you have a car, then you want to drive everyday. I carpooled the majority of my school years - it was fun because I was with friends, and we all shared the gas costs. Driving solo is fun too - I also did that - and it gives you time to think, but if you're running low on cash, then fill up your car with people headed to the same location.

What sort of things do you look forward to when school starts?

What things/classes do you dread?

Leave a comment below.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Pioneers - Ancestors

Yesterday we celebrated Pioneer Day (in certain parts of the world).

It's a day to honor those who blazed trails into innovative new territory.

There are many different kinds of Pioneers to talk about as well: those who braved the Atlantic in order to find Religious freedoms, those who found new ways of keeping us safe and protected, finding new medical procedures and cures, finding and charting new territories and land, and so on.

Who we are today was brought about by those pioneers who came centuries before us - our ancestors who carved out a better living for themselves, wanting the same for their descendants.

Christopher Columbus was a pioneer of his day - wanting to reach new routes to China and the Indias for trade. He found the Caribbean islands, and eventually Flordia - ushering in a new settlement.

(Note: I should credit the Vikings for the discovery of the America's first, considering they found Newfound-land for trade and other commerce. It's a technicality.)

Once Spain had found the States (as I will heretofore call them), the English knew it would be prudent to have a colony founded for themselves.

"In 1607, we sail the open sea, for glory, god and gold and -"

The Virginia Company.

A joint company of businessmen (okay, rich, wealthy, men) formed the Virginia Company in the hopes of starting a colony and using the gold and silver found to repay those who invested in it. It was a grand idea at the time - a pioneer effort for those wanting to build a better life.

Almost a hundred years later more pioneers would go on to found the beginnings of the Western half of the American continent.

In 1846 the "Mormon Migration" had begun.

As with other before them seeking religious freedom, the newly formed church began the crossing to reach the outer territories outside the rule of the new United States.

With hundreds of people joining in the trek West to escape religious persecutions (as their ancestors who came over from Europe and other countries) - we honor those who make the journey. They who suffered deprivation, loss of homes, illness, and often death.

We give thanks for those who came before us - who paved the way to religious freedom.