Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Fifth Tuesday! - Random Land!

Right, there are such things as 5th Tuesdays.

As the title suggests I am going to name them Random Land!

(Not to be confused with the YouTuber Justin Scarred, who does a series on theme parks and Disney. If he somehow reads this (which would be awesome and terrifying): I am sorry for any confusion. But it seemed to fit. Also, I love your channel. #disneynerd)

Okay, now that that's out of the way. *coughgowatchhisvideoscough*

For Random Land I will find any weird and random topic to chatter about for a little. Or I'll post a bunch of random images that I've been working on. These will be pencil/pen/marker sets, so don't get too hyped. I'm not a professional artist. I am an amateur who merely loves doing it for fun.

Over the past couple of weeks I've been working at drawing again. Mainly I've taken images and tried to recreate them. The end results are not the same, but they look well enough, to my own eye at least.

Obviously: If you recognize someone/thing I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS. And if you want to sue me, remember: I have nothing. I do this strictly for fun. And practice. (Also, free publicity for you.)

(NOTE: The original images were way too big to post, so I cut them to the "Medium" setting they had. Now they look squat. .... Enjoy regardless.)

Have a fantastic week and see you next month!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

OMD: The Rescuers Down Under

I was going to do a different film, then decided that film would be best suited for Halloween.

Hence, the rather abrupt change to one of my all time favorites (probably because of the cool accents and amazing scenery) from the obscure Disney film files.

"The Rescuers Down Under" was the long-awaited sequel to "The Rescuers", a film about a society of mice who help those in need. The Rescue Aid Society.

In this film they travel to the Land Down Under!

While in Australia they set out to find a boy who went missing. Through the network of other mice and animals, they set out to rescue Toby.

This was one of the first films where they used a new style of animation. I highly recommend checking it out.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

WIP: Plots and Plights

I hate writing plots.

I hate writing outlines. With a passion.

I hate the whole 'research and plan the entire thing out before writing' element of writing.

(Which is why I sorta ramble each week on my blog here. The most I've got planned is the theme/topic.)

Recently while writing another little novel I accidentally had my character doing a YouTube mini web-series. It worked well with the story-line and fit well with the mood.

Then I got thinking. . . .  Wouldn't it be cool to make that into a real web series?

Cue yesterday when I used a template taken from Pinterest (yup, everything's there) to write out a plot. There are only a few questions is asks you in order to make out an entire Plot In A Day.

Plot In A Day
What is Your Premise and Basic Plot?
Decide Who the Characters Will Be
Decide What Drives Each Character
What Aren't These Characters Giving Away Right Off the Bat?
What is Going to Change These Characters?
List out the Major Events of the Novel with Subplot in Chronological Order.
Decide Where to Start Writing
Once You've Gotten the Second List Done, You've Got A Plot

Now, I got stuck at the "List the Major Events...." one, because while I have the basics, I don't know if I want to plan the entire thing, or just go for one episode at a time. Which is where my little Block of Writers comes in.

There is a little tidbit with each of the Queries listed above, but I won't write them out.

The Project I'm working at is titled Tomes - and I'm fully ready to film . . . once I can get back my creativity and write an episode.

What are you working on this week?

(Also - if you want the extras involved with the list, send me a message, I'm happy to share!)

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Book Nook: The Perils of Paella

Title: The Perils of Paella
Author: Nancy Fairbanks
Series: A Carolyn Blue Culinary Mystery
Number: 5

I believe I wrote a review on one of these books a while ago....[brief pause while I go and look] .... never mind. Guess not.

This is a series about a woman who loves food. She used to love preparing food for her two children and scientist husband. Now that her children are grown and out of the house, she finds her time more suited to writing columns about others making and preparing food than actually making it herself.

In book one, "Crime Brulee", she is asked to write a column for a local newspaper in El Paso titled, "Have Fork Will Travel".

Though the following novels she becomes well known and at the start of "The Perils of Paella" she has been asked to write a book.

Traveling to Catalan (Barcelona) to meet with a friend currently working at the museum, Carolyn enters a rather morbid art exhibit. While it resembles a hospital ward with patients dying, one of the student actors isn't acting. With a fresh corpse that closely resembles her friend, things slowly spiral out of control.

With a missing child, a murderer, and an artist intent on starting fights, this is one mystery that's sure to pull you in. From the wonderful old city, to the Tapas recipes, flamenco dancing and more!

Though I would recommend the first book first, this one keeps the series fresh and intriguing!

What are some of your favorite genres to read? Leave comment below.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Do you celebrate?

I'll be back again next week.

Had an early morning - as in 4:45 AM.

Tune back in next week for actual content.