Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Adventures in Adorable OR A Tail of Two Kitties

My family has always been a cat family.

Growing up we always had at least one outdoor cat. Sure, we had a dog – a beautiful husky-smoy-black lab mix – who was fantastic, soft and named Tequila (by the lady we adopted her from, we called her Kia). Once she passed away, all we had were cats.

A few years back my outdoor tabby, with a tail that could rival a monkey, passed away. The only good thing about outdoor cats is that when they pass away they go off into the woods. It was rather traumatizing for me personally. Days before I had to take him in to get fixed – where they claimed he had kitty leukemia and cancer. More trauma.

After dear Tigger – a cat who would run up the drive way when I got home and walk me to the door – left we had no adorable bundle of fur to purr in our laps or help relieve the stress and tension.

I never truly appreciated the fact that cats are therapeutic – that they really aid in keeping stress levels down. There have been studies on that fact that cats are valuable to people with high stress levels or who are ill. (Reasons Cats Are Therapy - for Kids and Adults)

I felt it when we had no cat around. All the tension and stress and panic seemed to well up.

Last October my family got me an outdoor cat for my birthday. It made my life so much better!

He was all black, golden eyes, adorable little mews and a loud purr. I felt I’d hit the jack pot!

We live out in the country (close to the city, but far enough away to be considered ‘country’), so there was no threat of cars. I got him fixed, bought him a little bed, a collar, kitty dishes and food. My mom decided she would feed him wet food every night – feeling it her prerogative to spoil her ‘grand-kitty’.

Fortinbras was aptly named, and he loved it.

I should have known this was too good to last.

Our street has other outdoor cats that enjoy fighting, intimidating and being – in my opinion – jerks.

They ran off my sweet little fur baby; one day he was here, the next he was gone.

I posted on the forums online, telling those in my county that my fur baby was missing. No news. 
Nothing. No one had seen an adorable little black cat with a red collar.

He was with us for barely a month before he was taken away. I like to think someone took him in and he’s living high in a fancy house.

Last week we had a slight infestation of squeaky little grey fuzzies that I will never miss (mice). We called the exterminator, who set out about 10 sticky glue traps. We caught the one and were glad. 
Then the second one fell. The next morning there were three more.

That was when the decision was made.

Saturday afternoon we went down to the local PetSmart and started looking at black cats. We were going to take the next step and become indoor cat owners. We had one in mind, but by the time we reached the store, he’d already been adopted out. I was sad, but grateful that he got a fur-ever home. I couldn’t complain about that.

So, a few of us sat in the extra room and looked at five black cats, two Russian blues, and a Siamese mix.

It was a rough decision, there were black kittens (they lady offered them as buy one get one free), and then older ones.

In the end, we decided on a blue-eye, beautiful Siamese. She was three years old, had a loud purr a few seconds after you began petting her, and in need of a good home. A trip to the Dollar Store and one brief stop to Walmart and we were home.

Our Siamese/Calico mix was skittish once I let her out of out the cat carrier. While she hid beneath the drawer stand I made up her litter box and set out food and water.

We didn’t see eye or tail of her all day.

Sunday afternoon, I was able to coax her out from behind the couch. She was shaky, unsure of being out. I laid on the couch, setting her on my stomach. After a while she was fine. She relaxed so much she began nuzzling my face, purring loudly.

I am an advocate for adoption.
If you want a kitty – please adopt! There are so many out there in need of homes!
Adoption is fantastic because you can meet various types of cats/kittens; all of these cats are also up to date with shots, vaccines, and medical procedures.

Adopt older cats!!

I know – kittens are so adorable, so precious, so full of energy and fun!
But they don’t yet know how to use the litter box – they climb the furniture – they wreak havoc if left alone.

Older cats already know how to use the box – just show them where it is; they usually prefer to cuddle rather than run around.
Older cats are possibly the best option.

And black cats are a rare find and doubly cute. They have bigger personalities – are completely devoted and simply cute.

If you are a cat lover – keep up the good work.

If you are looking into getting a cat – adopt!

If you are not a cat person – well, two outta three ain’t bad.

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