Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Free Day - An Ideal Day

What would you do if you had an entire day to yourself?

Shopping - day at the movies - hiking - sports - relaxing with a good book - ?

I think my ideal day would be spent in a mixture of things that I find relaxing.

I would start out the day with a light breakfast, to get myself going. Foods would include: apple, water, maybe a waffle or two.

Next would be some shopping, going out, walking around the mall (a great way to exercise by the way), getting various little things - or simply enjoy window shopping. Planning out things to purchase later on. This can also be done on the internet, if you don't want to go out.

For lunch I'd find a nice little spot either indoors or someplace shady outside. I would probably have just a baguette, some honey and cheese, and cranberry juice. With maybe a few Hershey kisses for dessert.

The afternoon would be spent out walking, or exploring one of the many gardens around the city. Taking pictures of the flowers, or some candid pictures of friends. I love taking photographs, so this would be ideal. Maybe I could convince then to make a short video or something.

I'd make it back in time to clean up and get ready for a night out.

I'd have a nice, brief dinner before heading to an 8PM show. Either a play or musical that interests me. Ideally it would be Phantom. Theatre is my favorite thing.

What would you consider an 'Ideal Day'?
A spa trip?
A long drive?

Leave a comment below describing how you would spend your day.

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