Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Book Review #1

I promise I'm going to make this something more organized.

For today, I'm going to review the latest book that I've read.

"Double Booked For Death" - Ali Brandon

This is the first book in the "Black Cat Bookshop" mysteries. I highly recommend it.

We follow Darla Pettistone, a Texas redhead who's inherited her recently deceased great-aunt Dee's brownstone, and bookstore. With four stories, two of which are apartments, and a fine books bookstore in between, she also inherits a tenant. Jake (Jacqueline, but don't ever call her that) is a former ex-cop who's an old friend of Dee, and free security for the store.

With her first bookstore event coming up, a book signing for Valerie Baylor's hit Haunted High novel, things become rather hectic. With threats for a demonstration from a church group down in Texas who think those books are abhorrence and bad for anyone who reads them, a protestor who claims that Valerie stole her novel, and midnight intruder who comes in after hours, it's more exciting than Darla thought.

Things become worse when Valerie is pushed in front of a van and killed on sight. Not only that, but the van that hit her was the church group from Texas. To top it off, hundreds of her fans were witness to the tragic event.

Darla has her suspicions, but doesn't put much stock into them. Until her female roommate, Hamlet, starts knocking books off the shelves indicating the accident wasn't all that it seemed.

With her friend Jake, and Hamlet adding his input, Darla starts to confront those who were there the night of the book signing. Who stood to gain from the diva author's death?

There's Mavis - the make up artist who flat out called Valerie a diva. Who hated the way she lorded over everyone around her.

Then there's Hillary - the book agent who's not a huge fan of Valerie, but the money she can make off the hit-selling series.

There's Morris - Valerie's twin brother who stood to gain the other half of a massive fortune from their parents. Someone who stays in the shadows of the famous sister.

The Lone Protester - a girl who's been standing outside the shop with a sign indicating that Valerie stole her story.

Which one did the deed?

This is a fun read, wonderful is you have a cat. With the first in the series I can't wait to sink my teeth into book number two.

What are your favorite book series?

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