Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Travel Plans

Since week one of each month is a freebie for me, I've decided to write today about traveling.

When traveling anywhere there are a few things that we need. Things that simply can't be left at home. Here's a list (YAY a list!) of things that I will not travel without - maybe you too?

1. Pillow

Here me out. Traveling with your own personal pillow(s) is important. It's the difference between a good night's rest and sheer unrest. When traveling by car I always make certain my body pillow is with me - perfect for sleeping, and rather perfect as a regular cushion.

2. Toothbrush

I put this as number two, because you can literally ask at any hotel desk and they will have one for you. (They also do this with razors, soap, and small items.) Though I do prefere my own, so I make certain it's in it's own little travelling case along with toothpaste, floss, and facial towel.

3. Extra Underware

(Heh, bet you thought I'd post a picture of underwear...yeah, right.)
How many times have you heard you mom tell you, "Wear clean underwear in case of an accident!" Well - it's always smart to add a few extra pair, in case of storms or lost luggage. It's also smart to keep a pair in your carry-on, should you be flying.

4. Cords

Nothings is worse than being without power. Well, unless you charged your device, then forgot the cords to full charge it back up again. These are items I usually wait until the last minute to pack, that way they are on top, right inside, and easy to reach.

5. Laptop/Cell

While it's sheer confusion to me how one could travel without a phone (I mean, really?), carrying a laptop for work is almost as vital as your phone. If you're flying it has to be in your carry-on, and within easy reach when passing through TSA. I always keep mine handy, in any case, whether or not I'm flying or driving. It's easy to take with me, that way I can dump any photos I've taken with my phone so that I can have more room to take photos.

6. Small Bottles

You can pick up a pack of small bottles at the Dollar Tree. I use them to carry shampoo, conditioner, and other things when flying. They are within the limit (though double check the size!) to get through TSA. And you can continue to reuse them after a quick washing.

What are some things you can't travel without? The number one thing that goes into your pack? Or the final one that gets put on top?

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