Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Book Nook: Read A Review

I've finally come back around to my original posting schedule. Are you ready?

Series: Kingdom Keepers
Book: Shell Game, #4
Author: Ridley Pearson

Let me just start off by saying,t his is an excellent series to start and come back to. They make the parks all the more exciting.

I read book 3 right before going to Disney World and found myself going to the places mentioned in the book. These are the best to read especially if you're going on a trip down to Florida. They definitely get you pumped up for the expectation of the parks, rides, and food!

Alright - to the book.



We rejoin the five Kingdom Keepers (KK, as they are known to each other). What with having their last adventure a few years behind them, the battle has raged on.

The Overtakers have recruited kids from the local schools, and they've been turning Cast Members into minions as well. It's becoming a bit more difficult to tell foe from friend. Not only that, their parents and guardians are no longer safe either. It seems as though the Keepers are being attacked from every side!

While trying to keep the Base protected, the Keepers have been keeping shifts on protecting the base of power for the DHI's.

Then Wayne contacts Finn telling him to meet with a mysterious new ally in the fight for Disney Magic. Finn's mother drops him off at Typhoon Lagoon at night. While Finn goes through the park, he's chased by Crash Test Dummies, who all get fended off by Stitch!

Making his meeting, Finn's surprised to learn their new ally is none other than King Triton! Only Ursula decides to step in and cause havoc before they can leave, causing massive tidal waves.

After escaping Finns' in for another nasty surprise: his mother's been taken over by the Overtakers.

With the premier of the Disney Cruise Disney Host experience, all five of the Keepers are going to be on board a cruise ship for the next fifteen days. Couped up with a lot of our favorite Disney Villians!

When they stop at Castaway Cay something is afoot.

Cast Members are being taken to Tia Dalma, who's turning them all into obedient servants for the Overtakers. But that's not all.

The Dream has spent an extra few hours at the Cay for a Beach Party Barbeque; a ploy by the Overtakers so they can fly in Chernabog.

As they leave the Cay Finn and the others make a move to stop Maleficent and the others.

With the final countdown with Tia Dalms, Finn and Willa find themselves in a rather sticky predicament.

Read to find out what happens in the end, and make certain to check out the other books in the series: the first four leading up to this book number five!

What are some series you'd recommend? And, if you have read the Kingdom Keepers, who's your favorite one?

Also: What is you favorite Disney ride?

Tuesday, November 21, 2017



.....I'm getting reaaaaaallllly bad about this......

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Book Nook

There are many books that I will eventually get around to reviewing. There are many that I've read that are also part of amazing series. I'm going to take today and review one particular one that was written by an actor.

Book: A Grimm Warning
Series: The Land of Stories
Author: Chris Colfer


This is the third book in the series. It follows twin siblings, Conner and Alex Bailey in the further studies of stories.
After defeating the Enchantress in their last adventure together, Alex decided to stay behind in the Land of Stories to study alongside her grandmother to become the next Fairy Godmother. With Conner, their mother and Bob returning to the normal world; the portal between worlds was sealed shut. They can still contact each other via a magic mirror.
However, things never stay the same forever.
When Conner is invited to Germany with a few other classmates it’s the chance of a lifetime! There are three new Brother’s Grimm stories that have been sealed away until today. With a big reading sponsored by the local university it becomes an event easily sold out to fairy tale enthusiasts and book lovers alike.
But the first two stories sound exactly like the ones Conner wrote about for school. When the third one is too similar to his friends from the Land of Stories for comfort; not only that but there’s a warning about an invading army.
With time running out he races around Europe with a friend from school, trying to uncover the clues left by Mother Goose.

I won’t give too much more away, but pick up this series if you want a new take on the Fairy Tale world, and the Brothers Grimm.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Thankful Minds


I got off topic a lot over the past month or two. Well, at least I can say I tried following a schedule. Back to it - I suppose.

Kicking off the month of November, and being back with my feet on the ground finally, I'll start this month off with the quite obvious topic(s):



It doesn't take a lot to be thankful for something. Saying the two words "Thank You", takes hardly any effort at all. And it can make someone's day if you do say it.

Gratitude works much the same way, only you don't have to express it often. Doing something kind for someone else who's done something for you, without asking, is a silent form of gratitude. IT's something you can show to people.

Go out there and do something.

Say that nice thing you've been meaning too.

And give thanks in all that comes your way.

There's not much more to add to this, have a fantastic week.