Love Never Dies
Okay - if you are a phan or know anything about musical theatre, you've likely heard of a show called "The Phantom of the Opera". It's an awesome show that was based off a novel written back in the early 1900's, by Gaston Leroux. The show has many memorable songs that will get stuck in your head: "Think of Me", "The Music of the Night", "All I Ask Of You", "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again".
Well - back in 2010 the composer of this wonderful musical thought it needed a sequel. And we got this:
Since it first came out there have been nearly a HUNDRED different re-writes.
Why, you may ask?
Because it was horrible.
Alright, I'm getting on my soap box here. Sorry.
The next adaptation of this we got was this, which was filmed in Australia:
And then it was announced that the US would be getting a tour.
So, here's my review based on this latest version - the newest re-write.
Since most people already know how much I rather loathe this whole thing I tried to go into it with an open mind. I mean, they'd already redone most of the plot, changed some things up. And - to be fair - I do love one or two of the songs (when taken EXTREMELY out of the context of this show).
I came into this newest Adaptation pretty blindly. I had seen many videos of the previous versions online, and the movie of course. I did not go looking up any material on this - including the cast - wanting a 'fresh' take.
Going in and chatting with some of my fellow Ushers, who had previously helped on the show, I did not hear many positive things about it. The few good remarks had more to do with the costumes or one or two of the set pieces.
Not a good beginning to my open-minded evening.
So before the performance began I went to check out the souvenir stand, because I love swag as much as the next theatre lover. One hoodie was $70 with only the logo, tee shirts were between $40-$60 (which is kinda standard, but still for just a small little logo). Nothing that could be considered 'affordable' - so, unless you'd want a $10 lapel pin you're out of luck. Even the magnets were $20.
Also - we were supposed to be outside the curtain for the first 8 minutes, including the one song that I actually wanted to hear! I mean, there are screens out in the mezzanine, but that's not the same.
Ahem, here is my review of the Saturday December 2, 2017 tour version of "Love Never Dies".
We begin with the first song that was premiered, and the one that actually caught me in the heart. I love this song. I will unashamedly admit to loving this song. And the man who portrayed the phantom that night, Gardar Thor Cortes, was AMAZING!
I finally looked through the playbill and realized he was an opera singer as well. HE SANG OPERA PROFESSIONALLY! HE SANG OPERA!!!
(Running to YouTube, be back in a moment.....)
Yeah - This. This is the reason I like this song....
Okay - so, now that I've raved about his singing voice (which is absolutely amazing the entire time), let me talk a little about the set. I did have a little notebook with me while I was there and jotted down notes as I could (being an usher I had to wait for times when I wasn't 'working').
Okay - Notes on the 100X Revamped Paint Never .....Er Love Never Dies -
Alright - so the set piece for the first scene looks just like the base of one of my music boxes, well globes, but ya know potatoes, right?
So, that set space was tiny to be on, it had a free standing organ, a bench, and maybe room to stand. Also (this is taken directly from my notes, so no judging) How Da Freak does he get up there! I just saw one of the stage crew use a freaking ladder to get up and down to set it in place - so HOW!
(And if any of you say 'Magic', Imma sick real Phan girls on you)
Also - random 'Monster Mash' growls during the sound test....heeheehee.....
As I've already said, the Phantom singer was more than great - he was stupendous! Absolutely amazing!
Now to the plot: It was a nice change of pace. Meg was not as murdery as in the previous versions. They toned her back to the girl who was eager to see her friend again. A girl who was really just trying to enjoy her live and move on. I personally blame the rest of the characters for mucking with her and driving her over the brink of crazy psycho.
I found myself enjoying the show. A lot.
So we go from 'Till I Hear You Sing', which is still AMAZING! to -
"The Coney Island Waltz"
Right, so I actually enjoyed this song too. It was bright, colorful. Just the sort of thing you'd expect from a carnival. It was rather spot on in being catchy.
Then we realize that Madame Giry is no longer a loving, caring mother. She's somehow turned into a constantly ticked off woman who's only out for herself. She even smacks down Meg's enthusiasm after her performance. It's hard to watch her character be so - so - abused.
Next we get the reporters on the docks, waiting for the famous Christine Daae who hasn't sung in ten years. To which I say, if she hasn't sung in ten years - how the heck does everyone seem to know her name? I
There's some name dropping of famous figures, and then Hammerstein is the one who invited her over to begin with. Until 'Mr. Y' buys out her contract.
Right - so the mode of transportation from the docks to the hotel is awesome! It's like a car that looks like a hearse, but it's two stories high. I loved this.
So, Raoul.
Dear, poor, sweet, Raoul.
They've toned his character in this back too - thank goodness. Sure, he's upset that he lost his money, and the Americans were being jerks to him on the docks (hey, it's a kinda trademark over here), and he's - well - in this he's a typical dad. He's concerned about money. Upset that his wife is the one who's making it instead of him (which was HUGE deal back in the early 1900's). But he does play with his son.
The music contraption that he has is....I don't even know. From where I was it looked like a triangle something with a handle.
Surprise - it played the intro notes of "Past the Point of No Return".
I'm gonna pause right here and say:
They blatantly use lines, lyrics, and music from the original show almost as often as they refer to music. I think it's all done in poor taste.
So - Christine recognizes it and starts to freak out. When she tries to get Raoul's attention, he gets a message and leaves.
"Look With Your Heart"
This is kinda cute. This is one of the other few songs I actually find enjoyable. It's rather sweet. And it shows how much Christine loves her son. It's adorable. Then she puts him to bed and as she's trying to figure out the strange music box -
I literally jumped in my seat.
Er, stair.
The back windows open and the phantom comes in. Christine passes out and he's all "Crap. I did it again."
So - then we hit this roadblock.
I was enjoying this show until this song. I absolutely hate this song. It's so demeaning to the characters. It tears apart the entire show and tosses the end redemption and moving on at the end down the toilet and then adds bleach.
I can honestly say I've read fanfiction better than this.
"Beneath a Moonless Sky"
AKA - even though we both moved on, apparently we didn't and have to have a one night stand with strange results.
So - they both loved each other. Christine was going to leave Raoul and go back to the rather abusive relationship between her and the phantom.
Nope sorry - this one's completely biased. I hate what they did to the characters.
Then they sing "Once Upon Another Time"
AKA - we would have been together, but you left in the dark and left me to think you were dead
So Gustave comes out claiming he had a nightmare about someone drowning him (remember this). The Phantom proceeds to stand him up on the railing, which of course freaks out his mother since they're possibly four stories up. He agrees to show the kid around Coney Island the following day.
They go back inside and Christine sends him off to bed after which we get this.
The phantom threatening to kidnap her son the following day, as 'things happen at a carnival'.
He threatens her son.
She has to sing the stupid song in order to keep her son safe (1st twisted mind game).
When we hit "Dear Old Friends" I couldn't help but love this new version.
Meg and Christine reuniting is everything you'd want in a friendship. They are genuinely happy to see each other. Of course, when realizing they're singing on the same night, Meg's just thrilled to be on the same billing as Christine. It's adorable.
Then Raoul and Madame Giry - it's rather interesting.
The whole song just makes you rather happy with the whole process.
So Christine finally realizes her son is missing. To which I had to ask: what kind of mother of a ten year old.....okay I see it now, but still. If the phantom had already threatened to kidnap him, wouldn't you keep closer tabs on him?)
When Gustave is taken down to the phantom for his tour by our three chorus, he starts playing his little song. Then he starts playing the title song of Phantom - which then get the phantom to make him sing the end "Ahhhh's" from the original title song. .... Somehow I found this funny, because I laughed, and sad all at once.
"The Beauty Underneath"
This has undergone drastic changes as well. It's not as cringe worthy as before. Until you realize the kid is quite literally thrust into a mosh pit and is being grabbed by a bunch of people. It's disturbing visuals with a catchy tune.
After this - when the phantom decides to de-mask and de-wig in front of the kid, who runs off screaming. Christine and Meg come on and the phantom rounds on her about the age of the kid. She asks Meg to take him back to the hotel.
And then she confesses that hey - remember that one night stand? After which you left me? Well, you left me with a kid. Ta-da.
Then, more out of pity about it, she offers to sing his song the next night. He tells her to never tell their son about him at all, they agree and she runs off.
Then we get a phantom who's suddenly back to try being redemptive. He's going to turn over a new leaf, he's going to give everything to Gustave. Yay!
Then Mamade Giry steps out of one of the random triangle pieces that were part of the previous song. She's heard everything and is ticked that after whoring her daughter, er I mean, after she and her daughter saved him and gave him all their money, they both are going to be left with nothing. So - angry Giry.
Some good things:
The costumes. I mean: wow!
The sets were divine!
So - most of it is this kinda twisted half mask - but on stage left there's this eye. Just one eye. And it changes colors throughout the show. Once it was blue, then it turned completely red. It was Awesome! I loved it.
Through the entire show I kept singing the lyrics to "Our Kind of Love, and "The Heart Is Slow to Learn" in my head, ever time the melody was played. (I will post links of these songs in the next post.
I kept thinking I'd much rather have a cast album of this tour than the previous ones. It's a rather nice change to the first adaptation which made me want to jump head first into a 5ft pool.
With the lyric changes and fixes it wasn't as bad as the first or even the 50th version.
Meg is more interested in Christine as a friend, not a rival
But suddenly Madame Giry is the villian???
Stay tuned for Act Two!
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