The day I randomly talk about a book I've recently read or have previously read before.
Lucky for you I just finished a book the other day. Literally.
Heh, Lit-erally. (I'm bad at bad puns.)
Book: Ready Player One
Author: Ernest Cline
Genre: Fantasy/Sci-Fy/Tech
With the release of this book-turned-movie, aptly released Easter Weekend, I decided to delve into the covers and read the book before going to see the movie. It's something that I always do when there's a movie that interests me that's based on a book. I've done it before with various other book to movies - Divergent, Lord of the Rings. You get the picture.
With that in mind, here is my little tid-bit review of the novel that has been remade into a film by Steven Spielberg (who honestly was the only director for this film. Stay with me on this, but he was the ONLY choice once you understand the novel).
If you've been under a rock and heard about the novel/move, here in the 5 minute recap.
Future world.
Poverty/war/devastation = dystopia setting.
OASIS = virtual world where everything is shiny.
Founder of the world dies, leaving a quest to find 3 keys and 3 gates to win his money/fortune estimated at xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx dollars.
Random kid lucks out and finds the first key
Cocky friend along for ride
3 other Gunters (self-proclaimed awesome fans)
Sixers = corporate sell outs and scum of the earth want to win so they can make more money = money whores = will cheat and connive (thus making all self respecting pirates look like your dear old granny)
The '80's were the BEST YEARS EVER!!!!
Goonies planet, because Goonies never say die
Second key is found!!
Random free quarter for a perfect Pac-Man game?
Robot figurine is your prize
My bad, just the Sixers being scum
(And not the cool scum like Han Solo)
Keyblade....oh wait, Blade Runner, ooops.....
Unicorns' have the insight
Can't reach your castle? Call Mario the Plumber....wait, wrong person
So many pop cultural reference, can the movie even get the rights to them all?!?!Third Gate open!
....and they all die....
Parzival, "Just kidding!"
Much Egg Hunting!
"Are those coconuts? Where'd you get them?"
What is your quest?
What is your favorite game?
What is the name of my former lover, not really because I was too afraid to talk to her, so instead I referred to her by the nickname, or rather the name of her D&D character?
Much win and gold is yours. Use it wisely.
Also - step away from technology and see the world. It's better than the virtual reality I created.
Character including:
The High Five Group - the only kids on the planet capable of finding the clues and keys for themselves. Also who sorta drop hints to each other even though they're competitors for millions of dollars. Featuring: Parzival, the main character who knows the '80's backwards, until he doesn't; Art3mis, the spunky chick who takes crap from no one and will help you cheat on the final test; Aech, the best friend who kicks your butt at games until you become better, then twists around at the end and slams you with the untilmate "AH-HA!" in real life; Shoto and Daito, the untilmate samuri's who work as a team to make the world better, they will also give you a beat down.
The Sixers - Corportae drove hive-minded bees that function for the sole purpose of finding the Egg for the collective. Spawned by the IOI corporation, which will claim the prize at the end no matter which of their hive finds it. Their skills incluce: manupliation, cheating, breaking into private records, death, and making you remeber why being a Gunter is so much better.
The Gunter Clans - Groups of actual Gunters set to find the egg and keep the balance stable in the universe. Knight who are set to keep the OASIS free from the tyranny of the Sixers and IOI.
Og - The only other dude who created the OASIS. Much nerdy, much awesome. The only one with an avatar who can kill you without moving. Also - the uncle everyone wished they had.
Halliday - The main dude in charge with the other dude respoinsible for the OASIS. He created the Hunt for all his wealthy and income right before he died. The man, the myth, the legend. Can anyone find that darn egg?
I didn't include half the spoilers I should have, nor even all the ones that I liked. If I could spoil the entire book for you I would.
Go out and read the book. If you're as nerdy as I am, you'll love it.
Now I can finally go see the movie!
Question of the week:
What is your favorite '80's movie?
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