Tuesday, August 21, 2018

WIP: Ideas

Back in school and I've had some amazing ideas for stories.

The trick will be writing them all down before they leave my mind, but I finally feel as though some sort of progress in those regards is coming to fruition.

It's been great so far this year. I've already written two poems (and learned that the first time apparently isn't the one you should publish, as they need to be re-written over and over and over (and often over and over and over) again).

I will post the first two I wrote here below, the first drafts, that is.

Tell me what you think. Leave a comment and let me know your critique.

[EDIT: I will post them tomorrow. Gotta get some sleep!]

"When Life Was Good"
Tell me something I don't know
A story of when life was good.
Back when the evenings were full
of laughter. Of smiles.
A time when love never thought of dying.
Of saying hurtful untruths.
Words to demean.
Life used to be filled with kind words.
A morning of frenzied eating, lunch packing,
running for the door. The bus.
Home once more to loving hands
To a full house of those who protect.

Tell me of a story once shared,
When life was good.

Nighttime comes, I dream
the world is how I imagined.
Bright-lit streets, small, comfortable
house. Easy, soft, living.
Books fill the air,
the scent of parchment and ink prolific.
Mixed fragrances of honey, pumpkin,
cinnamon; spice.
Old burned furniture.
Scarred wooden panels.
Blaze of light; cackling away.
Chocolate: hot, steamy, white clouds
floating on the surface of foam.
Complete. Relaxed.

(Leave a comment below with your thoughts or criticisms.)

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