Tuesday, January 15, 2019

WIP: The Alley

A little something I've been working on. Accents are not my forte in writing yet - I'm still working at them.

‘We have to find him – quickly.’

Confused, I looked around, ‘Find who?’

I turned around, but I couldn’t see who I was with, if I was with anyone at all. Whoever was there didn’t respond again. I nearly jumped out of my skin when someone took my hand. I was led through a wooded area and into a small village. The set distracted me enough from my escort. It wasn’t large enough for an actual town, and calling it a village almost seemed almost too kind. There were a bunch of little cottages built really close together, a few larger houses in the middle of the square. He pulled me forward again and all I could see was the back of a black cloak. He led me through the back streets, avoiding all the main roads that passed through. Each time he heard someone coming down the street he became ancy, almost nervous. When another person turned down our alley, he quickly pulled me close, bringing his large cloak up to surround us – making us blend in with the shadows around us. I continued to follow him, keeping one hand on my large skirt to keep myself from tripping on the hem.

‘Wait here.’

I paused. He left me standing in a darker alley, cut off from the rest of way. I watched him, curious, as he climbed up onto the roof of the house to my right. A moment later he disappeared over the other side. I shrank back into the shadows, feeling suddenly exposed and vulnerable. I found small comfort there with the darkness closing in on me.

‘Miss, can ye ‘elp me?’

I nearly cried out in alarm, jumping. Spinning in a full circle I found a small boy standing in the doorway across from me. He shrank back, quivering. I could barely see him – his skin was dark; almost exactly like Brian’s.

‘Wh-what is it?’

I shook, wondering where on earth Erik was.

‘I – I’m lost – an’, scared.’

I bit my lower lip. I wasn’t sure what I should do. Erik had told me to wait there for him until he came back from wherever it was he went. Waiting intoned the notion of not moving from the position where one was left. I couldn’t risk going off, but I couldn’t just leave the child there. That was irresponsible.

‘Where are your parents?’

His eyes grew dark, he almost started crying, ‘I don’ ‘ave  any.’

I felt my heart wrench from the tone in his voice. He was all alone in this world – defenseless.

I bit my lip again, mulling it over before making a decision, 
‘Alright, come with me. I’ll take you somewhere safe.’

I moved out of the shadows and stepped close to him, reaching out. He was timid, shy. At first he moved away, then slowly reached out and took my offered hand. The instant we touched a chain leapt from the dark and wrapped itself around my wrist, snaking its way around the boy’s, linking us together. A splint of shock ran through me as I heard dark, almost maniacal laughter coming from out of the darkness to my right.

How about you? What are you working on this week?

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