Tuesday, July 16, 2019

W.I.Petered Out

My creative side has been on the back burner for the past month. We've had family move back in and life's been....hectic.

I'm going to start advertising a Give-Away. Next month I begin a brand new college internship down in Florida. Each month I will set up a give away. Most likely a random generator (unless you're the only one who follows or responds in which case, you win by default). Stay tuned for more Give-Away News!

For this month I will leave a little of what I had before from an older piece I was working on. Enjoy some poetry this July. And, if you feel inspired to, leave a comment below with what you're working on.

The morning after the concert and double homicide I woke up to someone trying to toss me on the floor. I’d fallen asleep in a rather large beanbag chair that felt more like a cushion than anything. After the other gals had drunk their fill of rum (Lizzy prevented me from getting any, at least remembering through her alcohol-induced haze that I didn’t drink), I had crashed from mental exhaustion. The bean bag was perfect – I melted into it and bundled down.

“Where’s Ann?”

I’d covered my face with another blanket, not wanting to deal with people in general. The choice to hide was gone the moment I was lifted into the air.

“Don’t toss me!”

The bean bag came down and I was left facing a bewildered Erik and Inspector.

“What were you doing there?”

I was half way awake, a bit wider now that I’d almost been launched into a couch and in no mood for stupid.

“I was sleeping. In case you hadn’t noticed.”

“Wait…are those your pajamas?”

I paused, glancing briefly down at my long pajama pants and baggy tee shirt. Looking back up I raised half an eye brow, “Yeah. You got a problem with my comfort?”

“No! No, no, it’s just…”

“Ann we need you to come with us to the Basement. It’s not safe for you.”

I stared down again…. “Yeah. You do realize you just barged into a room full of women who were having a slumber party (sleep over?)?”

What are you up to this month writing wise?

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