Tuesday, February 16, 2016


I've been finding it rather - well, tedious - after so many weeks to find time during the day to blog.

You'd think with all those "Idea!" posts about how to blog going around, it would be easy to find things to write about. That's not the problem -

I am now starting to lack the desire to write this blog.

I know, I know - I was all pumped and enthused about doing this. Thought it would be a great idea - find a way to make myself some extra cash - amuse whoever stumbles across this.

I even had a plan for each week - indicating what sort of post each week would be about. the first week would be a basic, the second would be a theatre related post, the third about food, the fourth a list or something.

However - I didn't really do much cooking this past week - unlike my post last week (go try that recipe!).

Perhaps I'll try and post today about finding the drive to continue posting.

No matter how difficult it gets to continue with a blog - there's always a way to sort through it. I mean, sure one of my posts was made around 11:55 PM, but I got it done before the end of the deadline.

Let me tell you - finding a drive to blog each week can be tough. I know that there's a few hundred people out there who can get an entire month's blogging done in one day, that way they don't have to worry about it each week like I do.

(Then again, I do like a challenge, and tormenting myself needlessly.)

If you want to start blogging: do it.

If you think you can't: look at me, I have no drive, but I am.

If you have people who tell you negative things about it: Ignore them. You can do anything you put your mind to.

If is a strong word - but If is only temporary.

If becomes two words "I Did".

This is a post to help boost you up!

This is to tell you - you can do it!
You can achieve anything!

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