Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Not the word most people want to hear - but one that is rather vital to the health and upkeep of our physical bodies.

I'm not the first one to be all "Health! Exercise! Running! Kale!"

First of all, I do take care of my health by eating correctly.

Second, I've been doing stretches each and every day - currently I added Zumba (which my hips were not too thrilled with) and Tai Chi.

Thirdly, if I ever start to run there's probably something/one chasing me. My ankles would have a conniption if I ever tried this professionally.

Fourth, um. No offense to Kale lovers, but it's not for everyone. And there are lots of other healthy things that are leafy and green that we can eat.

So - why exercise? What does it have to do with me?

There are two different aspects of Exercise.

      1. The aforementioned Upkeep of the physical body. (I.E.: running, walking, Zumba, etc.)

      2. Mental Exercise

While we need to keep our bodies in fit condition - or even start by doing something little - there is another part of us that we need to keep fit and trim.

The Mind.

As with physical exercising there are plenty of ways that we can keep our minds engaged and active. I've thought of a few for you to try out:

  1. Crossword puzzles. This one is rather cliche, but has to be added. I'm terrified of these puzzles because I'm not that well versed in, well, anything that has to do with a crossword. These are a brilliant way to learn new words and new things. (Even if you take a hint from the answer page!)
  2. Sudoku. I'll admit, I hate this. I'm not a math oriented person, so when we had to do one for our math class back in high school, I thoroughly hated it. But I got it done. It worked my brain in ways I was unaccustomed too. Perhaps that is why it's a great way to keep up the mind.
  3. Free Writing. This can be used for anyone. Pick a topic and just write. Make up a story, do something creating while putting words down. I find that writing helps sooth the mind. It takes things you worry about and gets them out.
  4. Music. This one's a no-brainer (heh, get it?). Learning to play an instrument (at any age) is going to be difficult, but the benefits far exceed their limits. Music is an ingetral part of our lives. Everywhere we go there's some sort of music. Learning to play any instrument helps keep your brain focused. It also teaches math skills (which I never seemed to get because math just didn't work for me).
  5. Art. Tangling is the new art that has everyone up and buying adult coloring books. While it's soothing and calming for the mind to sit and color, creating a new piece is another way to exercise our minds. By creating something only you can see, you are unlocking a new part of the mind. Try it. See what you come up with.

I know that most of these are "arty" related, anything you can think of can be an exercise for the mind.

Take a walk, bring along a notebook and write down the things you see. See if you can identify the trees, the flowers or the animals around you.

Sit in a cafe, listen to the gentle thrum of life.

The only thing that's preventing you from exercising of any kind, is you. Take it from a girl who's not a fan of the word or deed. Once you're up and moving, it's hard to go back and settle in one place.

(If you do try any of the ideas above, feel free to post pictures in the comments below.)

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