Today started off as any other - pratically me having no idea what to blog about today. (If you thought any of these were well-planned and organized - HA! I tried planning, that went to tosh rather quickly.)
After work I thought I'd type up a quick blurb. Then I realized that I had to run to the post office for stamps. Ensue a half hour worth of driving, realizing that I'd forgotten some RedBox DVD's to take back, frantically gathering the stamps (catching a Pikachu and taking over a Poke Gym), then running back home.
Soon after I was on my way again. With a brief stop at ABC (or Atlanta Bread Company for you heathens) for some dinner and then the movies.
I know. I'm super late to the game. Work is rather time consuming.
I know that it's already been out for a month, but for the sake of all the others who were with me under said rock, or you know, in traffic because we were late, I will prevent any spoilers from being written.
Though - technically - you already know that "many Bothans died to bring us [the plans]" - so is it really a spoiler?
I think the whole plot of "Rogue One" is rather genious. I mean, remember who we were all making jokes about that one idiot who left an exposed vent on the Death Star? How he should have been fired for placing something so crucial in plain sight?
Well . . . apparently it wasn't a mistake.
In fact it was a rather large, "Screw You", to the face of the empire.
It was a brilliant plot device - which I would love to go more into, but I think I may have given away too much. (Have I? Hmmmm......)
So we all know what happens in the end - the plans to the Death Star are taken from under the noses of a bunch of elite generals and Toffs. A bunch of Bothans died (epically, I must say. You NEED to see it!!). And you get to see Darth Vader pwn some rebels......was that too much imperalistic?
Being a born Star Wars Rebel - I whole-heartedly believe this movie should be seen at least twice. Maybe more than that if you are a die-hard (or have epicly bottomless pockets; in which case you and I should get together for a Star Wars night!).
Thank you for sticking it with me until the end of my Star Wars rant.
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