Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Today I wanted to go over a few things that I do in my personal life.

While there is plenty of time for random videos based around the internet (I'm looking at you, YouTube), or looking at other things, there are other things which can occupy that time as well.

One of the things I was glad to begin back in the fall of 2015 was being a volunteer at one of the theater's in Atlanta. It was a wonderful opportunity for me to share my time and help out.

While ushering isn't a "glorified" job in any theatre, I find it a unique opportunity to help others .... and the benefit of seeing the show for free is the best reward imaginable. While volunteering my time - arriving two hours before the show is supposed to begin - it's a fantastic way to do something that I love while meeting new people.

I have also volunteered time at local theatre groups around my town, helping backstage with moving sets, props, and costumes into place. The techies and stage hands do most of the work for a show, making sure that the actors have everything they need and keeping them on time with their cues. They are the cogs of the show that you never see, but know are working.

During the summer our local library has a Summer Reading Program. Throughout the two months of no school, there are events for all age groups ranging from magicians, to reading with a rescue cat, to movies each week, and writing groups. Helping out at those events not only relieves stress from the librarians (who often have to go it alone without help). And who doesn't want to be a Librarian nowadays?

There are dozens of ways that you can volunteer your time. If you don't know where to start, ask your neighbor, or church leader. Guaraenteed there is someone close to you who knows of a project that needs extra hands helping.

What are some ways you give back?

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