Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Book Nook: What have I been reading?

This week I'm just going to list a few titles I've had on my To-Read shelf that I've finally managed to begin reading.

This blog has been a bit harder to post to since quarantine (don't ask me why, I have no will power at this point in the game, and things are looking downhill again in society).

So without much further ado, and in obviously no particular order:

Legendary - Stephanie Garber
Moriarty - Anthony Horowitz
Stalking Jack the Ripper - Kerri Maniscalco
DeadLand: Ghostwalkers - Jonathan Maberry
Asylum - Madeline Roux

Those are just a few that I can see from my desk.

What books are on your To-Read list?

Which ones have you finished?

Next month I will (try) to get a new little review up and running.

Have a fantastic week, and stay safe!

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