Wednesday, September 2, 2020

New Month - I'm not Around

 I decided to do two posts today because I missed last week and this one as well.

So - here we are.

School is still ongoing. I'm treading water.

I've got to take my Cozette into the vet for the first time in years because's she's lost a lot of weight. She hasn't been eating regular food. I've opened a can of tuna for her. At least she's been eating that. I'm worried.

No job still. There's a virus.

Also: PSA. I wear a mask for school because it's mandatory (and I don't want to be that person in case I am a carrier), but let me tell you. For someone with anxiety and claustrophobia, it's not that easy. I tried taking a drink (through a straw beneath the mask) and nearly had one of the worst attacks in my life. So, if you see someone with their nose showing, don't patronize. I understand we're all worried, we're all concerned, but some people just can't wear them. (I.E. people with asthma.)

So....there's that.

Have a fantastic week and be awesome to each other.

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