Tuesday, September 8, 2020

W.I.P. Back at it Again...

 With the start of classes on campus three weeks ago (just the one really, 1/4 but we're all thinking it'll go online soon too due to the virus running amock), I began what I do best while taking notes in class. Which is to say - I began writing little bits in the margins/extra spaces of my notes!

Here are some little bits of what I've been having run around through my head while studying up on Tennyson and Rossetti.

What else can I say to this?

Poetry is no longer

underrated. It never has been

unless, to a philistine mine they seem

unrevelant. Don't they realize

these predated the

novels we so richly

love? Bring back

the Poetry! Or

else, hide it with-

in the novel you create.

Surprise the reader with a

little rhyming in reason.


Back Again

Back again, in a seat

Taking notes, precise, and neat

Finding Rhymes

While listening for a long time

Learning anew,

Reading lessons in a queue.

Time to finish finally,

Back Again.


There you are.


Feel free to leave a comment if you so choose. (At this point I'd be surprised if anyone was actually reading this blog anymore.)

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