Tuesday, August 22, 2017

OMD: The Princess and the Goblins

Welcome to Obscure Movie Day!

This one was based off a book written in the 1980's, it's rather tiny, but highly enjoyable. So - this may be a double duty post - book and movie, movie and book. Muahahahaha.....

Okay, so my searching for details about the novel have led me to this page, where you can read the entire thing for FREE! I mean, don't cha just love the internet?

The Princess and the Goblin

On that lovely note.....let me search the Youtubes to see if it's on there....oh. Wait. It is. Because I watched it just the other week. I'll post that link at the bottom of the post, er blog write-up, thingy.... yeah.

The novel starts out with a little princess. Super cute. Super curious. She lives in a fantastic castle up in the mountains with her nurse. Irene is what every little princess should be. Her nurse, Lootie has a difficult time keeping up with her. However she's been told never to let the little princess out of doors at night.

One night they end up staying out a bit later than they're supposed to. Lootie is fit to be tied as things go from bad to worse, as they lose their way back to the castle. On the return back they run into a boy who works in the mines.

Curdie comes to the recuse, singing. That is one of the things the goblins can't stand. Music is not something they can do well.

As he leads them back to the castle, Irene knows she's found a friend. He leaves her in the safe care of Lootie and the others, returning to his home. He and his father work in the mines, and it's time to get to work. No one stays in the mines at night because of the goblins who live in the mountains. They're mischievous, devilish, and it's not safe for anyone to be there when night falls.

The following incidents occur in which Curdie stays the night, to find out what the goblins are up to. In doing that he realizes that no one is safe. But who will believe the son of a miner?

There are many more questions to be answered. Too many dark things running around at night!

Check out the novel using the link above, or watch the film, then read the book!

Complete with catchy songs!

What's you're favorite fun '80's animated movie? Leave a comment with yours below.

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